Please note that the way we consider concerns changed on 1 October 2022. If your case was opened before October 2022 please refer to the information sent to you by your Case Manager, or contact your Case Manager or a member of the Professional Conduct team with any queries.
We have a responsibility to investigate all concerns raised with us about veterinary surgeons and registered veterinary nurses (RVNs).
If you wish to raise a concern about a vet or an RVN, all the information you need is available in this section, including what you need to know first, how we assess and investigate concerns, how we make decisions and how to tell us about your concerns.
Please note: RCVS staff will treat all parties to a complaint with respect, and we expect the same in return. We appreciate that concerns often involve highly emotive matters, however we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to abuse of our staff. If we are subject to verbal abuse or any other unacceptable behaviour, we reserve the right to refuse to communicate via telephone, and will request that all correspondence is in writing.
We make sure that we meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. This includes making sure we consider adjustments for people with protected characteristics.
Some people may have difficulty expressing themselves or communicating clearly and/or appropriately. We will always consider the needs and circumstances that we have been made aware of, before deciding how best to manage the situation. This will include making reasonable adjustments. If we are subject to verbal abuse or any other unacceptable behaviour, we reserve the right to refuse to communicate further at all, or to specify the way in which future communication is made.