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RCVS boosts careers outreach with National Careers Week and STEM Learning partnerships

29 January 2025

We're excited to be partnering with National Careers Week (NCW) and STEM Learning in 2025 to promote veterinary careers to career advisers and students, and encourage young people from underrepresented backgrounds to consider a veterinary career. 

The NCW virtual fair

The RCVS recently took part in National Careers Week (NCW), held from 3-8 March 2025. The event aimed to highlight the importance of careers guidance and the role of careers advisers. During the week, we took part in the NCW’s virtual careers fair, where we shared insights on veterinary careers options. We were honoured to be the official sponsor of the event on 8 March.

Throughout 2025, we will also be featured in NCW’s magazine, e-newsletters and social media accounts.

Find out more about the National Careers Week virtual fair

RCVS primary school careers event 

During British Science Week (7-16 March), we were delighted to partner with STEM Learning to deliver an online veterinary careers session to over 3,000 primary school students aged between 7 and 11 across the UK.

Our guest speakers highlighted the variety of roles available in veterinary medicine and nursing, ranging from caring for farm animals to small pets and even working in airport settings.

Rosie Powley, RCVS Outreach and Engagement Manager, said: "Our amazing speakers shared with students what they do in a typical day as a vet and vet nurse, what they most and least enjoy about their role and, of course, all of the animals they have worked with."

Following the presentation, the students asked the panel a series of thought-provoking questions, including: 'Do you have to be brave to be a vet and vet nurse?' 'Can you be a vet if you find maths tricky?' and 'What's the most unusual animal you have ever worked with?'.

The session received a large amount of positive feedback from the schools involved. 

Rosie said: "We would like to thank the vet schools and groups such as Animal Aspirations, a student-led group showcasing veterinary students and professionals from diverse backgrounds, for their valuable input. This included sharing information about their own outreach programmes and spokespeople to talk passionately about veterinary careers."

This year, the RCVS is focusing on promoting veterinary careers and widening participation. We are particularly keen to connect with groups who are currently underrepresented in the veterinary field, including men, individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and certain ethnic and religious minorities. 

This aligns with our ongoing veterinary workforce project, particularly around raising the profile of the professions and the range of career paths that are available.

For more information on veterinary careers, visit our Animal owners website

Get in touch

If you work for a school, college or other educational institution and would like to engage students in conversations about veterinary careers, please get in touch with Rosie Powley: [email protected].

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