Misplaced RCVS membership certificates
28 July 2004
Two replacement RCVS membership certificates have been misplaced at the Royal Veterinary College recently and the RCVS is concerned that, unless handed in, they could be used fraudulently.
The certificates were intended for two of this year's graduates at the RVC's Admission Ceremony at Guildhall on 21 July 2004.
The RCVS has now provided new replacements to the two members concerned.
However, to avoid possible fraudulent use being made of the missing documents, any practice presented with membership certificates in the following names:
- Gaynor Marion Whiteoak
- Elisabeth Philippa Hall
is asked, please, to contact the RCVS Membership Department (020 7202 0739) to check the bona fides of the applicants.
The two members have been notified to expect this check.