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RCVS manpower survey - be first to hear the results

19 April 2006

If you are going to this year's BSAVA congress, and would like to be first to hear the results of the latest RCVS Manpower Survey, why not come along to RCVS Question Time on the Friday afternoon?

If you want to know whether you work more than the average numbers of hours per week, or how many practices employ para-professionals, or how many practices use an out-of-hours emergency service, RCVS President Lynne Hill will be presenting the preliminary findings from the survey in Hall 10 of the ICC on Friday 21 April.

Following the presentation, all RCVS Officers will be on the Question Time panel to take questions from the floor on this or any other issues facing the RCVS and the profession.

To help round off what will have been a busy day for delegates, some liquid refreshment will also be provided, so do come along from 16.30 onwards.

If you cannot make the session, please visit the RCVS stand (number B7 - next to catering point B) where Officers, Council Members and staff will be on hand throughout congress to answer questions and provide information.

If you are particularly interested to find out more about the Practice Standards Scheme, RCVS staff will also be available on the BSAVA stand.

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