CPD for overseas veterinary professionals
29 April 2019
Registrations are now open for our continuing professional development (CPD) course for overseas veterinary surgeons and nurses, covering an introduction to the UK veterinary professions.
The course, running on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 June 2019, will be held at the RCVS offices, Belgravia House, 62-64 Horseferry Road, London.
The course is aimed at overseas-qualified veterinary surgeons and nurses during their first two years of working in the UK, as well as those who are considering working here, and is an introduction to the UK veterinary professions.
Jointly organised with the Veterinary Defence Society (VDS), this 2-day course provides overseas graduates with the key information and skills needed to practice in the UK, as well as helping them understand their legal duties as veterinary professionals. There is no requirement for delegates to attend both days and, if they wish, they can attend either just the first or second day of the course.
Day one of the course is RCVS-facilitated and provides the ideal opportunity for those vets and vet nurses who are either contemplating working in the UK or who have recently started working here, to gain first-hand knowledge of the regulations that apply and the support that is available. This day is free to attend and tickets can be reserved on Eventbrite.
Day one presentations will cover a variety of subjects, including:
- What it means to be a veterinary professional in the UK
- Developing your skills and knowledge
- Further support available to you as a UK veterinary professional
- Securing your dream job in the UK
- RCVS Initiatives
Day two of the course is facilitated by the VDS and uses experienced facilitators and simulated clients (played by actors) to provide a unique and interactive learning experience for delegates. By recreating situations participants have found challenging, the facilitators will give attendees specific communication tools to deal with them effectively in the future. Day two costs £150.00 (not including VAT). Tickets for day two can be purchased directly with VDS Training at [email protected] or 01565 743862.
Both days will help you with:
- Confidence in communicating with clients not in your native tongue
- Understanding some of the specific cultural challenges you may face while working here
- Information regarding your obligations around Continuing Professional Development
- The legislation and regulations that apply when working in the UK
Programmes for the day will be finalised soon and posted on both the RCVS and VDS websites. Attendees can book in for either one of the days or for the entire two day course, booking in for each day through the provided channels.